Wagner Immersion, Part 3

The weekend of July 27-28 was a stellar and most memorable one for many reasons. First, I was able to spend time with my dear friend and colleague Joy McIntyre, with whom I always have the most Joy-ous time discussing music, politics, travel, and life in general. Joy is a most erudite, entertaining, and brilliant…

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Student Spotlight – Michael Jackson AKA Sam Meade

Our darling Sam is slightly shifting his goals in Hollywood. Here is the latest: “The dream’s alive, just shifted.  Learned I don’t enjoy acting nearly as much as I enjoy singing [NOTE: this makes Janice very happy!]…so spending my time on my voice lessons…which have been really amazing, I can sing a high C comfortably [say WHAT?].  Decided to…

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Student Spotlight – Madison Finocchiaro – Les MisĂ©rables

Ovation Theatre Company opened its premiere season in splendid form with “Les MisĂ©rables School Edition” on Friday, May 24th. The all-student ensemble was perfectly cast. My student Madison Finocchiaro was suitably slovenly and greedy as the wicked Madame Thernadier. I am so proud of Madison whose vocalism and especially her acting were spot on…she never…

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Student Spotlight – Max Orio – South Pacific

Timberlane Regional High School in Plaistow, NH presented this weekend Rogers & Hammerstein’s classic musical “South Pacific.” There were 2 casts, and my student, baritone Max Orio, was cast as Emile DeBeque. Max and I have worked on Emile’s gorgeous songs (“Some Enchanted Evening” and “This Nearly Was Mine”, among others) for several months and…

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Cantor Shira Nafshi – From Bimah to Broadway

On Saturday evening, March 9, my student  Shira Silverman Nafshi  performed a benefit concert at Temple Israel of Portsmouth (NH) with her colleague Cantor Micah Morgovsky. These two lovely and talented women presented a concert cleverly called “From Bima to Broadway”. The first half consisted of traditional pieces mostly sung in Hebrew with liturgical texts. Both cantors had…

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Student Spotlight – Janet Wittenberg, Nashua Choral Society

Janet Wittenberg will be a featured soloist in the “Domine Jesu Christe” movement of Mozart’s Requiem. This monumental oratorio will be  presented by the Nashua Choral Society jointly with the Granite State Choral Society, conducted by Ann Watson Born. Performances are on May 5 at 3:00 PM in Nashua at Immaculate Conception Church and May 18 at 7:30…

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Wagner Immersion

On March 25th and March 30th , 2019, I gorged myself on my favorite Wagner opera, Die WalkĂĽre (The Valkyrie). Some may consider this an indulgence, or an obsession. I consider it wallowing around in one of the most emotionally draining and intellectually challenging operas ever written. My dear friend and voice student Anne Orio and I spent…

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