Follow Your Dream…

Today, August 18, marks 46 years since I left my home state of Georgia to move to NYC. I had been planning and saving up for this big move for over 3 years in order to pursue my singing career. I was able to “camp out” for a few weeks with various supportive friends who offered a pull out bed and a place to shower. In looking back, I am both surprised but also proud that I managed to make my way at the, er, tender age of, well, late 20-something.

I think this shows my inner strength and determination to follow my instincts and burning desire to pursue a classical singing career. 

My career has been more successful than some, and less successful than others, but I think very fondly of the days of registering with temp agencies (this was very early in that industry), temping in offices (still SO GRATEFUL that my mom Laura Mildred insisted I take typing in high school), and subletting a few apartments on the West Side. 

Learning the public transportation system was also a challenge (no such thing as an “underground” rail system in the south at that time)…But I persevered, and look back on those days with fondness and pride.

So I say to artists of all genres – follow your dream and NEVER GIVE UP!

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